Try this delicious filling and healthy breakfast. You can easily swap the blueberries and walnuts for other fruits and nuts of your choice to alter the flavours. For added calcium and protein try adding high protein/low fat yoghurt.
1 serving
1/2 cup rolled oats
1 cup low fat dairy milk or milk of choice
1 handful of fresh or frozen blueberries
4 walnuts, lightly crushed
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp maple syrup
Add oats and milk to a saucepan over medium heat
Cook until oats are soft and combined with milk
Top with blueberries, cinnamon, walnuts and maple syrup
Each serve provides
Energy: 1727kj / 411 calories, Protein: 16g, Fat: 15g, Carbs: 16g